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Creative Vybes

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CMCArts (The Caribbean Museum of Art) is committed to supporting our local creatives. We support all of the arts and all creatives and believe that the arts, sciences, mathematics and entrepreneurs are and equal part of our global creative realm; meaning that creative genres are inclusive of the visual arts (all mediums), the performing arts (musicians, theatre, sound designers, sound engineers, etc.), culinary arts, tech design, graphic design, animators, etc. etc.

CMCArts seeks to unite all creatives of St. Croix to stand strong together to build an arts economic sector that draws interest from the global community. Our arms are open to support artists and creatives and to help them succeed. Strength comes in numbers with the power of the collective the voice of St. Croix and the USVI can become a loud voice. CMCArts is offering the space to convene, explore, learn, support, develop and build an infrastructure in the arts with our young creatives at the helm.

CMCArts can only survive and succeed when it is made by the people for the people. Through the larger artist group CMCA wants to share information about viable jobs in the arts including building the next generation of the CMCArts Team. Our goal is to provide a safe space to speak your mind, share your concerns, share with one another, explore ideas and to network; build projects, build community without judgement, without competition; unified…your voice…loud, and strong.


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  • May 7, 2022


  • lmord475

    Created by



9:00 am – 4:00 pm



10 Strand Street
P.O. Box 734, Frederiksted, VI 00841

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