Our Membership Levels
Your membership directly supports our ability to present meaningful art experiences that promotes the voice of the Virgin Islands. Art is the Story of Us. Give the gift of transformative inspiration by selecting a plan and join the family. Thank you!
This membership is great for students ages 16-23. Options for annual or monthly memberships available.
This membership is great for individuals who visit on a regualr basis and wnat toke advatage of special members pricing for events and workshops.
Make the most of your membership with this plan. Your Patron membership entitles you to a 15% discount on Museum Store purchases and provides discounted entry to events for three.
Be a champion of CMCArts with a Pioneer Membership. Similar to the Benefactor. In addtion, Pioneers receive a 15% Discount on Facility Rentals and 5 copies of the Island Art & Soul Calendar
Business (Corporate Sponsor)
$10,000 Annually
Let your business stand out by becoming a business member. For more information, you can contact the Museum office at 340-772-2622
This Membership is great for individual Senior members age 60 and above. Options for annual or monthly memberships available.
This membership is simialr to our Single Membership but for two people. In addition, Couples members receive a complimentary copy of our annual Art & Soul Calendar.
Simialr to the Patron Membership but for 4 people. Your Patron Membership also entitles you to a 15% Discount on Museum Store purchases and 2 copies of the Island Art & Soul Calendar
Be an ambassador of the Arts! Same as a Patron, but with discounted entry to events for 8. Receive special invitations to VIP previews programs & events.
Directors Circle
$25,000 annually
Directors Circle provide the greatest support to CMCArts and solidify our impact on the Arts on St. Croix. Supporters at this level help CMCArts fulfill its mission for now and years to come. Contact the Museum office at 340-772-266-22 for more details.
Choose your Membership Level
Sustaining Memberships are an affordable way to Upgrade Yourself!
Student Monthly
1.66$Every monthAges 16-23 - Monthly Payment Plan; Annual Value $20- Discounted admission to events
- 1 Free admission to the Three Kings Day Barbeque
Student Annual
20$Ages 16-23Valid for one year- Discounted Admission to Events
- 1 Free Admission to Three Kings BBQ
Senior Monthly
3.25$Every month60 Plus - Monthly Payment Plan Annual Value $30- Discounted admission to events
- 1 Free admission to the Three Kings Day Barbeque
- 10% Discount on Museum Store purchases
Senior Annual
39$60 PlusValid for one year- 1 Discounted Admission to Events
- 1 Free Admission to Three Kings BBQ
- 10% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
Single Monthly
6$Every monthMonthly Payment Plan Annual Value $60- Discounted admission to events
- 1 Free admission to the Three Kings Day Barbeque
- 10% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
Single Annual
72$Valid for one year- 1 Discounted Admission to Events
- 1 Free Admission to Three Kings BBQ
- 10% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
Couples Monthly
11.25$Every monthMonthly Payment Plan Annual Value $125- Discounted admission to events for 2
- Free admission to the Three Kings Day Barbeque for 2
- 10% Discount on Museum Store purchases
- 1 Copy of the Island Art & Soul Calendar
Couples Annual
135$For 2Valid for one year- 2 Discounted Admissions to Events
- 2 Free Admissions to Three Kings BBQ
- 10% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
- 1 Free copy of the Island Art & Soul calendar
Patron Monthly
25$Every monthMonthly Payment Plan Annual Value $300- Discounted admission to events for 3
- Free admission to the Three Kings Barbeque for 3
- 15% Discount on Museum Store purchases
- 10% Discount on Facility rentals
- 1 Free copy of the Island Art & Soul calendar
Patron Annual
300$Best ValueValid for one year- Discounted Admission to Events for 3
- Free Admission to 3 Kings BBQ for 3
- 15% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
- 10% Discount on Facility Rentals
- 1 Copy of the Island Art & Soul Calendar
- Best Value
Benefactor Monthly
50$Every monthMonthly Payment Plan Annual Value $600- Discounted admission to events for 4
- Free admission to the Three Kings Day Barbeque for 4
- 15% Discount on Museum Store purchases
- 15% Discount on Facility rentals
- 2 Free copies of the Island Art & Soul calendar
Benefactor Annual
600$Great for a Family of 4Valid for one year- Discounted Admission to Events for 4
- Free Admission to Three Kings BBQ for 4
- 15% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
- 15% Discount on Facility Rentals
- 2 Copies of the Island Art & Soul Calendar
Pioneer Monthly
83$Every monthMonthly Payment Plan Annual Value $1000- Discounted admission to events for 6
- Free admission to the Three Kings Day Barbeque for 6
- 15% Discount on Museum Store purchases
- 15% Discount on Facility Rentals
- 5 Free copy of the Island Art & Soul calendar
Pioneer Annual
1,000$Valid for one year- Discounted Admission to Events for 6
- Free Admission to Three Kings Day BBQ for 6
- 15% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
- 15% Discount on Facility Rentals
- 5 Copies of the Island Art and Soul Calendar
Luminary Monthly
208$Every monthMonthly Payment Plan Annual Value $2500- Discounted admission to Events for 8
- Free admission to the Three Kings Barbeque for 8
- 15% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
- 15% Discount on Facility Rentals
- Invitations to VIP previews, programs & events
- 5 free copies of Island Art & Soul calendar
Luminary Annual
2,500$Valid for one year- Discounted Admission to Events for 8
- Free Admission to the Three Kings BBQ for 8
- 15% Discount on Museum Store Purchases
- 15% Discount on Facility Rentals
- Invitations to VIP Previews, programs & events
- 5 Copies of the Island Art and Soul Calendar
Participating Artist
25$Valid for 12 months